• Can İ. Takmaz T, TOD KRC Birimi 2016-2018. “Turkish Ophthalmological Association Cataract Surgery Trend Survey: 2018 Results” Combined Cataract Surgery & Practice Styles isimli free paper oturumunda. European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) meeting, Paris, Fransa, 14-18 Eylül 2019, Paris, Fransa
  • Can İ. “Çoklu Oküler Sorunları Olan Diyabetik Olguda Katarakt Cerrahisi: Kombine Yaklaşım” Olgu Sunumları oturumu. TCOD Uluslararası “Diayebet ve Göz Sempozyumu”, 01-03 Haziran 2017 Osh, Kırgızistan
  • Can İ, Bayhan HA, Çelik H, Ceran Bostancı B. Comparison of corneal aberrations after biaxial microincision and microcoaxial cataract surgeries: A prospective study. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery and ASOA Congress on Ophthalmic Practice Management, 25-29 March, San Diego, USA, 2011: 42.
  • Can İ, Bayhan HA, Çelik H, Ceran Bostancı B. Evaluation and Comparison of Clear Corneal Incisions in Microcoaxial and Biaxial Cataract Surgery Using Corneal Optical Coherence Tomography. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery and ASOA Congress on Ophthalmic Practice Management, 9-14 April, Boston, USA, 2010; 111.
  • Can İ, Takmaz T, Yıldız Y, Bayhan HA, Soyugelen G. Comparison of coaxial, microcoaxial and biaxial microincisional cataract surgery techniques: Prospective study. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery and ASOA Congress on Ophthalmic Practice Management, 3-8 April, San Francisco, USA, 2009; 67.
  • Can İ, Takmaz T, Genç İ. New nucleofractis technique: Half-moon supracapsular approach, ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery and Clinical & Surgical Staff Program, ASOA Congress on Ophthalmic Practice Management, 4-9 April, Chicago, USA, 2008; 81.
  • Gürdal C, Takmaz T, Sargon M, Yılmaz E, Anayol A, Can İ. Electron microscopic evaluation of the effect of therapeutic silicon hydrogel lenses on limbal stem cells and inflammation, 33rd Congress of the European Contact Lens Society of Ophthalmologists, 18-21 September, Venezia, Italia, 2003: 34.
  • Can İ, Can B, Yarangümeli A, Gürbüz Ö, Tekelioğlu M, Kural G. CDCR with buccal mucosal graft. XIth Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology, Final Programme and Abstract Book. Budapest, Hungary 1997;436.